Veterinary Behaviorist
Grieving Pets
By Christine D. Calder DVM DACVB Pets just like people can grieve the loss of a companion that has passed away. Some pets are tightly bonded whereas others are mainly...
Grieving Pets
By Christine D. Calder DVM DACVB Pets just like people can grieve the loss of a companion that has passed away. Some pets are tightly bonded whereas others are mainly...
What is a Veterinary Behaviorist?
How common arebehavior problems in animals? It is believed that more pets lose their lives to behavior problems than any other illness. In fact, behavior problems are the number one...
What is a Veterinary Behaviorist?
How common arebehavior problems in animals? It is believed that more pets lose their lives to behavior problems than any other illness. In fact, behavior problems are the number one...