We held a drawing with the names of the pet pantries listed in our November issue. The winner was No Bowl Empty 2 Pet Food Pantry in East Waterboro! They received a donation from a portion of the proceeds from our December Downeast Dog News Happy Pawlidays issue. As always thank you to our advertisers!
No Bowl Empty 2 Pet Food Pantry is located at 238 Old Alfred Rd., E. Waterboro. (207)233-2793
Days/Hours: 1st & 3rd Sun., 1pm - 3pm, 1st Thurs., 6pm - 8pm (April - October only), 2nd & 4th Wed., 3pm - 5pm. They serve residents of Cumberland, York & Androscoggin Counties. There is a remote pantry at Pine Tree Estates in Standish (207)642-2900. Limited pet food at Youth Full Maine Food Distributions every Thurs in Dayton and 3rd. Wed. in Biddeford. Mobile distributions in Auburn & Norway in planning stages. nobowlempty@outlook.com; https://www.facebook.com/NBE2PFP