Welcome to October!! As a psychic this is usually a busy month but connecting with spirit is a year-round career for me. I love autumn and getting to wear snuggly sweaters and comfy clothes, and I was surprised when I first started chatting with animals how many of them also love to dress up! Honestly, I thought they were being tortured until they bragged about how good they looked. Sigh. It’s always an adventure in my world! I put the call out on the Sara Moore Enlightened Horizons Facebook page for your dog questions and once again you gave me plenty to talk about. Just a reminder that a psychic reading is never a replacement for licensed veterinary care.
Tricia P. asked her Springer Bailey if his passing was peaceful and what signs did he send to let them know he’s around? The passing was super peaceful even though he didn’t want to leave! You know when you are at the coziest place ever, but vacation is coming to an end? That’s how he viewed the end of his life. What a huge compliment to you! As for signs, they kind of just pop in your head. I’m not seeing something specific, and Bailey says it’s because he’s woven into the fabric of your time together and he will always be part of who you are. I love that.
Heidi R. said, “My sweet husky was only six when I took her in for a dental, which became the beginning of a very sad ending. She was full of love, and I couldn’t be at the vet when she passed because of a blizzard.” This husky packed so much into a short life, and she also got you up on your feet after a knockdown. Your energy was full with the dog as she passed, so even though you weren’t physically there, she felt you. You also learned how intuitive you are because of your time together. She is a reminder for you to take every day as a gift. She does not focus on the decline, but on the time she was vibrant. I’d like to add a side note here. During Covid so many people weren’t able to be with their loved ones as they passed, and I assure you the world felt this pain and sent more love than a “regular” death, as did the doctors and staff. Those people were wrapped in SO much love that none I’ve read have had any anger and none felt fully alone.
Emily G. has Ivy. “How does she like her little dog brother? Why is she so obsessed with my sore toe?” I love this question! She likes the brother because he lets her be bossy. He is getting slightly sick of it, but she’s a decent big sister according to him. As for the toe, it’s like she can hear the cells in there working to heal. Imagine what the healing looks like and visualize it as she is staring at it. I bet she jumps back and looks at you with surprise! This dog feels energy and the toe definitely concerns her.
Finally, Ann T. asked about Ellie, a twelve-year-old black Lab mix. “She sees spirits and is slowly declining. Anything she wants me to know and is she in pain?” I think she knows she’s getting close to transitioning (she may not be here by the time this is published), and she is listening to the sounds of our ancestors. Holy smokes, that’s amazing!!! I wonder if you hear quiet chanting as you fall asleep, too? The pain is not specific but is definitely a whole body feeling of fatigue. She is ready when you are, and you both know you’ll see each other again.
Thank you for your submissions! If you’d like a longer reading to learn more, go to www.enlightenedhorizons.com and follow along on Facebook. Enjoy pumpkin season while it lasts!