by Sara Moore
Holy Smokes! I can’t believe I’m writi ng a column for 2022! This past year has been an interesti ng one to say the least, but it’s been amazing connecti ng with so many of you and your pets. I’ve been with you for the new additi ons, the behavioral challenges, and the hardest part of dog ownership, which is helping them transiti on when their ti me here is done. I’m going to kick off the new year by sharing a recent session I had with a lovely family. Here’s to a new year with puppy snuggles for all!
In December, I posted that I had a few last-minute openings on a Friday morning, and within minutes, they were all scooped up. One of the calls was about a dog that I had read in prior years. She was a black lab mix with a super unique look and attitude. She was quirky, playful and loving, and when I tapped into her energy, I felt what she was feeling physically. Her throat was ti ght, her chest felt weird, there were lumps on the left side of her chest that had integrated into the muscles, and my whole body felt weak. When I said that to the couple on the phone, they started crying. The wife said that they had originally had a vet appointment to help her cross over two days prior, but the vet had called to reschedule it to Friday afternoon. They said that right aft er they hung up, they saw my post about openings, so they scheduled a last-minute fi nal check in for their girl.
They wanted to know if she needed anything, if she was ready, and if their cat, who would be the only pet in the house would need or want a companion. The dog- I can’t remember her name, so I’m going to call her Sandy- was so ready to go “home.” She was grateful for all of the love they showered her with, and she celebrated her own weirdness. They laughed when I said that because she apparently was the most unique dog they’d ever had! She knew she was ready a few weeks before, but they weren’t ready, and she was glad they took the ti me to come to terms with the heartbreaking decision. She was old, ti red, sore, and ready. They knew that, but the validation from her helped.
I asked Sandy if she had any specifi c requests for her memorial, and she said she didn’t need pawprints, a plaque, or anything extravagant. Because it was leading up to Christmas, she did say she would love an off -white ceramic or glass ball ornament with her face on it. Then she totally cracked me up because on the sides of it, there were odd looking angel wings. They looked more like elf ears or devil horns, and she thought it was hysterical! I laughed so hard trying to say it, also very aware of the emotions the owners were going through. Because it fi t her personality so well, they were laughing along as well, but then the wife said she had to give me some validation. Apparently, her husband’s coworkers had secretly reached out to her for a picture of the dog's face, so they could gift him with a personalized ornament honoring her life. The husband broke down in tears again, partly because it was such a kind gesture and he was just given a clear sign that I wasn’t making this stuff up.
Then they asked about the cat (yes, this is a dog column, but it’s relevant!) and I got a huge Heck No when I questioned its desire for a new companion. They laughed and admitted the cat is a bit of a turd, but I saw it being so much more peaceful and loving aft er the dog’s passing. They did say that when the dog was away for a night, the cat would come out, but this kitty was super excited to be the center of attention! It showed me how it was going to strut into a room, making sure all eyes were on it before dramatically curling up on the couch. This was not to spite the dog! When animals go to the other side, they have no worries about it. They really do consider it home base and ti me is irrelevant. If you ever get a reading for a dog in heaven and you ask if it misses you, it has no idea what you’re talking about. For the animal, it is STILL with you energetically, and it knows it will see you soon, even if that’s 70 years from now. It comes across as a trick questi on, and I oft en fi nd myself explaining that to clients.
At the end of the reading, I wished them peace, love, and healing. They were so lucky to have the dog for as long as they did, and Sandy also said that she’d be fl ickering some of their Christmas lights to let them know she made it “safely” to the other side. They always do, but someti mes the validati on is exactly what we need to help our hearts heal. My dad could never understand how I could do a reading for people who are sobbing and facing such a heartbreaking decision, but to hear the peace and acceptance in their voices aft er always makes it worth it. I am honored to be a part of your pet’s journey.
Sara Moore is a psychic for people and pets out of Conway, NH. She off ers long distance readings, small group parti es, and workshops. FMI: go to www. and follow her on Facebook at Sara Moore Enlightened Horizons