Why Should You Join a Dog Club?

Why Should You Join a Dog Club?

Most people don’t really understand how dog sport events happen. They just know that they enjoy going to different venues and competing with their dogs, having fun, and earning ribbons and titles.
Dog sporting events are dependent upon local clubs which are licensed by an organization like AKC or CKC to put on the event. A great deal of planning and work goes into putting on a show, or a trial, not to mention the expenses of the judges, site rentals, ribbons, hospitality, fees to the organization, etc.   
Clubs depend upon their membership to plan, organize, and put on these events. In most venues it takes a lot of dedicated volunteers to make things work and run smoothly. Without members, there are no clubs, without clubs, there are no events. So…if you enjoy dog sports in your area, this is why you should join a club.
Many people feel that they have a job and don’t have the time, or that they are new to dog sports and really are not very knowledgeable – or that they want to show their dog so they cannot help. There are so many little jobs that you can do to take the burden off someone else.  You can proofread premiums, help with publicity, help with parking, greet and direct people, help set up, help clean up, learn to steward, learn to keep score, course build, ring crew, lay track, help with hospitality – and the list goes on; the jobs are endless.
Can’t do any of these? How about a contribution to the trophy fund or to hospitality. There is always something that you can do.
Club members age, relocate, their life situation changes, and there is always the need for new members to bring new ideas and perspectives to a club and learn from the experienced members how things work.
Without clubs, we would have no shows to attend, so the next time that you are at a show, thank as many people as you can – or better yet – ask if you can help or how you can become a member. You will learn so much about these venues from the inside; the more that you understand, the better competitor you will become through understanding, and you will also become a better person for reaching out to help others.
There is much to do and much to learn. If you enjoy dog sports, look into joining and supporting clubs of your choice – the future of dog sports in our area depends upon you.
To find dog clubs in your area, visit AKC.org and follow the link to the list of dog clubs.

Carolyn Fuhrer has earned over 200 AKC titles with her Golden Retrievers, including 4 Champion Tracker titles. Carolyn is the owner of North Star Dog Training School in Somerville, Maine. She is also an AKC Tracking Judge. She has been teaching people to understand their dogs for over 30 years. 

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