Q. Can my dog get this new avian flu?
A. Though dogs are susceptible to getting the Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI), so far it has been rare. A case has been confirmed in Thailand and Canada.
Historically the first cases of influenza in dogs were in 2004 called Canine Influenza Virus (CIV), which was an H3N8 Influenza A virus. This virus is closely related to the Equine Influenza Virus. It is suspected that the virus mutated and was passed from horses to dogs. The next strain of influenza affecting dogs was in 2015 in the Chicago area. This outbreak affected thousands of dogs in the region. The strain of virus this time was H3N2, a form of avian influenza from Asia. Dogs were infected by direct contact with the virus. In Asia, it was suspected to have infected dogs in bird markets. Dogs imported from Asia were the probable cause for this outbreak.
Symptoms may occur 2 to 4 days after exposure and dogs can shed the virus for about three weeks. The infection can cause mild to severe symptoms of influenza. Puppies under a year or dogs older than 7 years can be more severely affected. The mild form of the disease elicits soft, moist coughing that can last 10 to 30 days. They can be lethargic, have a mild fever, decreased appetite, and some have thick discharges from eyes and nose. The severe form can exhibit high fever and symptoms of pneumonia.
Higher exposure to these viruses is seen where dogs gather, such as boarding facilities, dog parks, and dog events, both social and competitive. These 2 influenzas are passed in droplets through the air to other dogs. This is different from the HPAI infections we are seeing now. Luckily dogs do not appear to be as susceptible to this virus as cats. Documented cases are rare. Dogs are at risk if they eat sick, dead birds, and scavenging dead birds, come in contact with infected birds directly or indirectly, like bird feces, and are exposed to contaminated environments such as ponds or other gathering places for birds.
Avian influenza has similar symptoms to the other influenza viruses. They may have fever, lethargy, conjunctivitis, decreased appetite, and difficulty breathing. Additional symptoms might be neurologic such as tremors and seizures.
If your dog develops any of these symptoms, contact your veterinarian. It is important that the timeline is documented in the dog’s medical record. In most cases supportive care, such as softer and enticing diets, cough medicine, and warm steam to break up any congestion is all that is needed. The more severe cases would need to be seen, have lab work performed to find out the cause of the upper respiratory symptoms, and have treatment because not all are caused by influenza.
Prevention where possible is the key. There are vaccinations against many upper respiratory diseases, including canine and avian influenza, but not the HPAI. Be cautious in crowded dog environments and around water where waterfowl hang out. Be aware and prevent exposure to wild and domestic birds. Feeding a raw diet of poultry that is contaminated with the virus can make them sick. You can resolve this by cooking the diet. When feeding raw, know your sources; confirm they are testing for diseases and other contaminants. You can safely feed kibble, canned, and other processed food.
Judith K. Herman, DVM, CVH
Animal Wellness Center
Augusta, Maine